Vehicle Reservation Mechanism:

  • Vehicles are reserved through the company's electronic system.
  • Customers must sign an agreement specifying the expected delivery date of the vehicles.
  • Vehicles can only be reserved after being allocated to the local market by the manufacturer and shipped.
  • The agreement includes all details and specifications of the reserved vehicle.
  • Individual customers can reserve only one vehicle of the same type per calendar year.
  • Delivery priority is based on the reservation mechanism, taking into account the seniority of reservations.
  • An agreement with customers ensures the delivery of the first vehicle based on availability, while subsequent vehicles are scheduled to maximize accessibility for the widest possible range of customers.
  • Selling or transferring reservations between individuals is prohibited. The customer has the right to obtain the reserved vehicle, and if unable to complete the purchase, they are granted a specified period before the reservation is canceled. The vehicle will then be offered to the next customer on the waiting list, if applicable.
  • The company's policy prohibits requiring potential customers to purchase optional services as a condition to join the waiting list. This does not include standard services applied to all vehicles, such as extended warranties and similar provisions.